Bruiser - A character that can dive into the heat of battle and absorb a lot of damage.
Examples: Superman, Colossus, Hulk
+5 Stamina
1) Stalwart Defense - Reduce the amount of normal damage you take by X, where X is your current Potential Modifier, for the next 3 connecting attacks. (Damage cannot be reduced below 1)
Upgrade 1 - Increases duration to next 4 attacks.
Upgrade 2 - Increases duration to next 5 attacks.
2) Taunt - The target's next 3 attacks target you, but do 1 less damage. (Unblockable)(Damage cannot be reduced below 1)
Upgrade 1 - Increases to 4 attacks and 2 less damage.
Upgrade 2 - Increases to 5 attacks and 3 less damage.
3) Vengence - You become enraged, dealing the damage you've taken for the last 3 attacks back at one of your opponents.
Upgrade 1 - Increases to 4 attacks.
Upgrade 2 - Increases to 5 attacks.
4) Invulnerability - You become immune to negative effects and specials that target you for the rest of combat. Any existing effects are also removed. (OPB)
Scrapper - Someone who can bring the fight in close with blades or martial arts.
Examples: Wolverine, Black Canary, Iron Fist
+5 Combat
1) Counter Attack - When you are hit in combat, you make an immediate attack of your own, for the next 3 rounds. (Dodgeable)(Stackable)
Upgrade 1 - Increases to next 4 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Increases to next 5 rounds
2) Parry - You dodge the next 1 connecting basic attack, and deal 3(X) damage to your opponent, where X is your opponent's current Potential Modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Increases to next 2 attacks
Upgrade 2 - Increases to next 3 attacks
3) Crippling Strike - You deal 3(X) damage, where X is your current Potential Modifier, and reduce your opponent's combat by 5.
Upgrade 1 - Reduces combat by 10
Upgrade 2 - Reduces combat by 15
4) Laceration - Deals X damaged each round for the remainder of combat, where X is 1 plus an additional 1 damage for ever 20 Potential points you have. (OPB)
Physical Archtypes - AT's that use their bodies for the majority of their battling.
Infiltrator - A stealthy character that can get in and out unseen.
Examples: Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, Nightwing
+5 Speed
1) Sneak Attack - Deals 3(X) damage to your opponent, where X is your current Potential modifier.
(If "Into the Shadows" is active, this attack deals double that damage)
Upgrade 1 - Deals 4(X) damage
Upgrade 2 - Deals 5(X) damage
2) Dodge - You dodge the next 1 basic connecting attack.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to next 2 attacks
Upgrade 2 - Increased to next 3 attacks
3) Blind - Your opponent has a 50% chance of missing, even if you don't dodge, for the next 3 rounds.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5 rounds
4) Into the Shadows - For the remainder of battle, you have a +2 to all dodge attempts. (OPB)
Shifter - A character with the ability to change their size or shape.
Examples: Mr. Fantastic, Wasp, Beast Boy
+3 Stamina, +2 Combat
1) Shifting Strike - Deals 3(X) damage to one opponent, where X is your current Combat modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 3(X) to all
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5(X)
2) Defensive Form - You dodge the next 1 connecting basic attack.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to next 2 attacks
Upgrade 2 - Increased to next 3 attacks
3) Offensive Form - You increase your Combat by 3(X), where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4(X)
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5(X)
4) Combat Adaptation - You increase all of your stats by 5(X), where X is your current Combat modifier, for the rest of combat. (OPB)
Gear-Based Archtypes - AT's that use weapons, gadgets, and toys to deal with their foes.
Marksman - A hero or villain that specializes in ranged attacks from weapons such as guns or bows.
Examples: Huntress, Green Arrow, Punisher
+3 Combat, +2 Potential
1) Snipe - Deals 3(X) damage to one of your opponents, where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Deals 3(X) damage to all opponents
Upgrade 2 - Deals 5(X) damage to one opponent
2) Explosive Burst - Deals 3(X) damage to one of your opponents, where X is your current Potential modifier. If the attack connects, all other opponents take 1 damage as well.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 2 damage
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 3 damage
3) Trick Shot - Deals 3(X) damage to an opponent, where X is your current Potential modifier. If the attack hits, you make a second basic attack to a random opponent with an additional +1 to damage.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4(X) and +2 damage
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5(X) and +3 damage
4) Barrage - Deals 5(X) damage to all opponents, where X is your current Potential modifier. You are stunned for the next 2 rounds.
Vigilante - A street crimefighter that relies on their fists and gadgets.
Examples: Batman, Moon Knight, Black Widow
+3 Combat, +2 Speed
1) Caltrops - Your opponent has a -1 to dodge rolls for the next 3 attacks made against them and takes 1 damage for every successful dodge.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to next 4 attacks and 2 damage
Upgrade 2 - Increased to next 5 attacks and 3 damage
2) Explosives - Deals 3(X) damage to all of your opponents, where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Deals 4(X) damage
Upgrade 2 - Deals 5(X) damage
3) Bola - Your opponent is stunned and unable to attack or dodge for the next 3 rounds.
Upgrade 1 - Increases to next 4 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Increases to next 5 rounds
4) Disarm - Deals 3(X) damage to one target, where X is your current Potential modifier, and disables all of their items for the remainder of battle. (OPB)
Trickster - One who uses traps and tricks to surprise their foes.
Examples: Joker, Green Goblin, Riddler
+2 Speed, +3 Combat
1) Surprise! - After 5 rounds, deals 3(X) damage to all opponents, where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Decreased to 4 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Decreased to 3 rounds
2) Poison Gas - The next time your opponent dodges an attack, they are immediately stunned for 2 rounds.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to the next 2 dodges
Upgrade 2 - Increased to the next 3 dodges
3) Tamper - Your opponent's next special is used against them
Upgrade 1 - Increased to next 2 specials
Upgrade 2 - Increased to next 3 specials
4) The Big Finale - Deals 5(X) damage, where X is your current Potential modifier, to one opponent. Additionally, you lose all of your Stamina except 1, and add it to the overall damage of this attack. (OPB)
Tech - One who uses or is made of technology and uses it to perform in combat.
Examples: Iron Man, Cyborg, Vision
+2 Stamina, +3 Potential
1) Lasers - Deals 3(X) damage to your opponent, where X is your current Potential modifier

Upgrade 1 - Deals 3(X) damage to all opponents
Upgrade 2 - Deals 5(X) damage to a single opponent
2) Armor Plating - You take 1 less damage for the next 3 rounds. (Damage can't be reduced to 0)
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 2 less damage
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 3 less damage
3) Access Database - Your opponent can't use their class special for the next 3 rounds.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5 rounds
4) Targetting System - Target opponent can only dodge on a roll of 1 or 2 for the rest of combat. (OPB)
Meta Archtypes - AT's that use their powers to enhance their combat prowess.
Elemental - One who can wield an element to attack or defend with, such as fire, ice, or earth.
Examples: Human Torch, Swamp Thing, Storm
+2 Stamina, +3 Potential
1) Elemental Aura - The next 3 attacks made against you by an opponent, causes them to take 1 damage, whether you dodge or not.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4 attacks and 2 damage
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5 attacks and 3 damage
2) Natural Disaster - Deals 3(X) damage to an opponent, where X is your current Potential modifier. The opponent then takes 1 damage for the next 3 rounds.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5 rounds
3) Maelstrom - Lowers an opponents damage by 1 and deals them 1 damage for the next 3 rounds.
Upgrade 1 - Reduced damage to -2 and increased damage to 2 each round
Upgrade 2 - Reduced damage to -3 and increased damage to 3 each round
4) Force of Nature - Summons a minion to fight endlessly at your side. It deals 2 damage to your opponent every round for the remainder of combat. (OPB)
Controller - A being who can warp energy to their needs.
Examples: Magneto, Green Lantern, Invisible Woman
+2 Stamina, +3 Potential
1) Shockwave - Deals 3(X) damage to all of your opponents, where X is your current Potential modifier, and disables a random offensive item.
Upgrade 1 - Deals 4(X) damage and 1 disabled item
Upgrade 2 - Deals 5(X) damage and 1 disabled item
2) Imprison - Your opponent is held and unable to attack or dodge for the next 3 rounds. After the effect wears off, the opponent takes 3 damage after.
Upgrade 1 - Increases to next 4 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Increases to next 5 rounds
3) Forcefield - Casts a protective shield around you that takes all incoming damage until it breaks. The shield has 3(X) Stamina, where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Shield protects you and all allies
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5(X) HP and all allies
4) Repulsion Field - Reduces all of your opponent's speed by 5(X), where X is your current Potential modifier, for the rest of combat. (OPB)
Copycat - A person that absorbs, borrows, or drains the powers and energies of others.
Examples: Rogue, Hope Summers, Parasite
+3 Stamina, +2 Potential
1) Steal Your Thunder - You add your opponent's current Combat to your own, for your next 3 attacks.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4 attacks
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5 attacks
2) Seize Power - You use your opponent's Primary Special against them, using your Potential instead of their's.
Upgrade 1 - Instead use whoever's Potential is highest
Upgrade 2 - Instead use both Potential combined
3) Annex Talent - You use your opponent's Archtype Special against them, using your stats instead of their's.
Upgrade 1 - Able to use this upgrade of your opponent's Class Special
Upgrade 2 - Able to use this upgrade of your opponent's Class Special
4) Thieft of Essence - For the rest of battle, everytime you land a basic hit, you heal 2 Stamina.
Manipulative Archtypes - AT's that can use their powers or cunning to shape the battlefield.
Mastermind - A powerful person that relies on minions for their combat.
Examples: Penguin, Nick Fury, Multipleman
+3 Stamina, +2 Potential
1) Henchmen - Summons 2 minions with stats 5/7/7/7 to fight by your side until defeated.
Upgrade 1 - Increased stats to 10/9/9/9
Upgrade 2 - Increased stats to 10/11/11/11
2) Right-Hand Man - Summons a single, stronger minion with stats of 20/11/11/11 to fight by your side until defeated.
Upgrade 1 - Increased stats to 25/11/11/11
Upgrade 2 - Increased stats to 25/21/21/21
3) Leadership - Increase the damage of all your minions by X, where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to X +1 damage
Upgrade 2 - Increased to X +2 damage
4) Earn Your Paycheck - If an attack would cause you to be KO'd, one of your minions is defeated instead.
Mystic - One versed in spells and sorcery.
Examples: Dr. Strange, Dr. Fate, Zatanna
+5 Potential
1) Feedback - The next time your opponent successfully hits you, they take 3(X) damage, where X is their current Combat modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to next 2 hits
Upgrade 2 - Increased to next 3 hits
2) Renew - You heal yourself for 3(X) Stamina, where X is your current ability modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to heal yourself and all allies
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5(X) hit points
3) Counter Spell - Your opponent's next class special is used against them
Upgrade 1 - Increased to next 2 class specials
Upgrade 2 - Increased to next 3 class specials
4) Channel - You take 5(X) of your opponent's Potential, where X is your current Potential modifier, and add it to your own for the rest of combat (OPB)
Tactician - Someone who can coordinate a battle and outsmarts their opponents.
Examples: Cyclops, Captain America, Lex Luthor
+2 Combat, +3 Potential
1) Precision - Any basic attack made on an opponent for the next 3 rounds is an automatic hit. (Stackable)
Upgrade 1 - Increases to next 4 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Increases to next 5 rounds
2) Expose Weakness - Increase all damage taken by an opponent by 1(X), where X is your current Potential modifier, for the 
next 3 rounds.
Upgrade 1 - Increases to next 4 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Increases to next 5 rounds
3) Plan B - Reduce one of an opponent's stats, randomly by 5.
Upgrade 1 - Increase to 10
Upgrade 2 - Increase to 15
4) Outwit - Disables one of your opponents specials for the remainder of battle. (OPB)
Psychic - Someone who has a non-psysical psychic talent, like telepathy or empathy.
Examples: Emma Frost, Martian Manhunter, Psylocke
+5 Potential
1) Psionic Lance - Deals 2(X) damage, where X is your current Potential modifier. (Unblockable)
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4(X)
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 6(X)
2) Psychic Echo - You create a psychic decoy of yourself with 5(X) Stamina, where X is your current Potential modifier, that joins you in battle until defeated. The decoy does not attack.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 2 constructs
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 3 constructs
3) Mind Over Matter - Your next 3 connecting attacks ignore all resistances and reductions.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to next 4 attacks
Upgrade 2 - Increased to next 5 attacks
4) Scramble Thoughts - Your opponent is capable of attacking anyone on the battlefield, including themselves for the rest of combat (OPB).

Every character chooses one of the below Archtypes for their character upon joining. The Archtype, or AT, must match the character. Superman would not be a Psychic and Captain America would not be a Mystic. Once you have unlocked all that AT has to offer, you may begin work on another one if you so choose. This too must match your character. If there is no other AT that matches, you can RP a reason why your character would be that AT. You may only use one AT at a time, but you do get all of the stats that are given from those AT's permanently.
AT Abilities are rolled on a 5 or 15. When an AT Ability is rolled, the Battle Mod will look to see which of the abilities your character has unlocked, and then roll a dice to determine which ability is used. (If only 1 ability has been unlocked then it automatically uses that ability.
Each ability works only once until it's effects wear off, unless it is otherwise noted. Normally with the term "Stackable" next to it. (OPB) denotes that the effect is "Once Per Battle" meaning it can only occur once in an entire fight.
Upon choosing your class, you are awarded the Bonus Stats to your character and every character starts off with his/her first ability of their chosen class.
Abilities are purchased and upgraded with AT Points. You earn 2 ATP from winning a match and 1 for losing.
Here is a layout of the AT costs.
1) First Ability: Free
Upgrade 1 - 5 ATP
Upgrade 2 - 10 ATP
2) Second Ability- 10 ATP
Upgrade 1 - 5 ATP
Upgrade 2 - 10 ATP
3) Third Ability - 10 ATP
Upgrade 1 - 5 ATP
Upgrade 2 - 10 ATP
4) Final Ability- 20 ATP
You do not have to purchase every upgrade, but you do need to purchase every Ability to qualify for a new AT. Once you have completed your AT, you can purchase a new one for 25 ATP.

Transport Archtypes - AT's who's powers are travel based.
Aerialist - Someone who uses their ability to fly to aid them in combat.
Examples: Archangel, Hawkman, Pixie
+3 Speed, +2 Combat
1) Higher - The next 3 connecting attacks against you add 3(X) to your current Speed, where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Increases to 4 attacks
Upgrade 2 - Increases to 5 attacks
2) Aerial Recon - Your next attack or Special is unblockable.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 2 Attacks or Specials
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 3 Attacks or Specials
3) Divebomb - Deals 2(X) damage to your opponent and takes 2(X) from their current Combat, where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Increases damage to 3(X)
Upgrade 2 - Increases minus Combat to 3(X)
4) Death From Above - For the remainder of battle, everytime you dodge, your opponent takes 2 damage, Unblockable. (OPB)
Acrobat - A fighter that utilizes agility to their advantage.
Examples: Spider-Man, Harley Quinn, Beast
+3 Stamina, +2 Speed
1) Flip Kick - Deals 3(X) damage to your opponent and stuns them for 1 round, where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Increases stun to 2 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Increases stun to 3 rounds
2) Somersault - The next attack you land also adds 3(X) to you current Speed, where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to the next 2 attacks
Upgrade 2 - Increased to the next 3 attacks
3) Up and Over - You dodge and counter the next 1 connecting attack.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to next 2 attacks
Upgrade 2 - Increased to next 3 attacks
4) Untouchable - If this is rolled, once your current Stamina is gone, your current Speed is then switched with your Stamina, leaving you with 0 Speed, but more Stamina. (OPB)
Teleporter - A being who can teleport themselves or others.
Examples: Nightcrawler, Magik, Warp
+3 Speed, +2 Potential
1) Materialize - Deals 3(X) damage to your opponent, where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Deals 4(X) damage
Upgrade 2 - Deals 5(X) damage
2) Vanish - You dodge the next 1 connecting attacks.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to next 2 attacks
Upgrade 2 - Increased to next 3 attacks
3) Teleport - You automatically dodge the next Special or AT Special that targets you.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 2 Specials
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 3 Specials
4) Redirect - For the remainder of battle, if you dodge a normal attack on a roll of 1 or 2, instead you reflect it back at your opponent. (OPB)

Blaster - A combatant that is able to shoot energy from their bodies or hands in blasts or beams.
Examples: Havok, Starfire, Dazzler
+2 Combat, +3 Potential
1) Energy Blast - Deals 3(X) damage to one of your opponents, where X is your current Potential modifier.
Upgrade 1 - Deals 3(X) damage to all opponents
Upgrade 2 - Deals 5(X) damage to one opponent
2) Focused Beam - Deals 3(X) damage to one of your opponents, where X is your current Potential modifier. If you roll a normal attack immediately after this, you do this special again.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4(x) damage
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5(x) damage
3) Torrent - The next time you are attacked, you take no damage. Instead you immediately do 3(x) damage to your attacker, where X is your current Potential modifier, plus the ammount of damage you would have taken from their attack.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to the next 2 attacks
Upgrade 2 - Increased to the next 3 attacks
4) Drain Reserves - All of your current Potential is transfered to your current Combat for the rest of battle. Also you can no longer use specials or AT Specials for the rest of battle.

Speedster - Someone who can use super speed or fast flight to hit and run.
Examples: Flash, Northstar, Quicksilver
+5 Speed
1) Hasten - You add 3(X) to your speed, where X is your current Potential modifier. If your Speed is Maxed (100) then it is added to your Combat instead.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4(X)
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5(X)
2) Accelerated Metabolism - Removes all negative effects and protects you from any further effects for the next 3 rounds. Also you recover 3 Stamina each round.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5 rounds
3) Inertia - You add your Speed modifier to your damage for the next 3 rounds.
Upgrade 1 - Increased to 4 rounds
Upgrade 2 - Increased to 5 rounds
4) Hypersonic - For the remainder of combat, you make two attacks for each basic attack rolled. (OPB)